
Review Publications for Books

1990. Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants: Evolutionary Aspect, CRC Press (edited by A. Jonathen Shaw), Chapter 11, Colonization and Establishment of Plants in Contaminated Sites.

1995. Selenium in the Environment, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (Edited by W.T. Frankenberger, Jr. and Richard A. Engberd), Chapter 12, Selenium Accumulation and Colonization of Plants in soils With Elevated Selenium and Salinity.

1998. Environmental Chemistry of Selenium, Marcel Dekker, Inc. . (Edited by W.T. Frankenberger, Jr. and Sally Benson), Chapter 32, Selenium Accumulation and Uptake by Crop and Grassland Plant Species).

Publications in Plant Biology and Environmental Sciences

1970. Wu L. and Li H. W., Induction of callus tissues initiation from different somatic organs of rice plant by various concentration of 2.4-dichorophenoxy acetic acid.
Cytologia, 36, 411-416.

1973. Wu, L. and A.D. Bradshaw. Industrial pollution and evolution of heavy metal tolerance in plants. National Science Monthly 3:46-54.

1975 .Wu, L., D.A. Thurman and A.D. Bradshaw. The uptake of copper and its effect upon respiratory processes of roots of copper-tolerant and non-tolerant clones of Agrostis stolonifera New Phytologist 75:225-229.

1975. Wu, L. and J. Antonovics. Experimental ecological genetics in Plantago II.  Lead tolerance in Plantago lanceolata and Cynodon dactylon from a roadside. Ecology 57(1):205-208.

1976. Wu, L. Esterase isoenzymes in populations of Agrostis stolonifera L. Bot. Bull. of Academia Sinica 17:175-184.

1976. Wu, L. Variation of esterase isoenzymes in different plant tissues of Agrostis stolonifera L. Bot. Bull. of Academia sinica 17:214-219.

1978. Wu, L. The seed dormancy of a Taiwan wild rice population and its potential for rice breeding. Bot. Bull. of Academia Sinica 19:1-12.

1978. Wu, L. and J. Antonovics. Zinc and copper tolerance of Agrostis stolonifera L. in tissue culture. American Journal of Botany 65(3):268-271.

1978. Wu, L., Y.T. Kiang and J. Antonovics. Field observations on Oxalis corymbosa, a widespread weedy species in Taiwan. Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica. Reprinted from Studies and Essays in Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. pp. 619-625.

1979. Kiang, Y.T., J. Antonovics, and L. Wu. The extinction of wild rice (Oryza perennis formosana) in Taiwan. Journal of Asian Ecology 1:1-9.

1979. Wu, L. and Y.T. Kiang. Using an isozyme marker to detect pollen-derived plants from another culture of wild rice. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 20(2):97-102.

1979  Kiang, Yun-Tzu and Lin Wu.  Genetic studies of esterase on the Taiwan    wild rice population and cultivated rice.  Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica. 20(2):103-116.

1980. Jain, S.K., L. Wu, and K.R. Vaidya. Levels of morphological and allozyme variation in Indian amaranths: a striking contrast. The Journal of Heredity 71:283-285.

1980. Wu, L. and S. Jain. Self-fertility and seed set in natural populations of Anthoxanthum odoratum L.  Botanical Gazet 141:300-304.

1981. Wu, L., D.R. Huff and J.M. Johnson. Metal tolerance of bermudagrass cultivars. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Turfgrass Research Conference. pp. 35-40.

1981. Wu, L. The potential for evolution of salinity tolerance in Agrostis stolonifera L. and Agrostis tenuis Sibth. New Phytologist 89:471 486.

1983 Wu, L. and D.R. Huff. Characteristics of creeping bentgrass clones (Agrostis stolonifera L.) from a salinity-tolerant population after surviving  drought stress.
HortScience 18(6):883-885.

1984. Wu, L., A.H. Harivandi, J.A. Harding and W.B. Davis. Identification of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars with esterase and phosphoglucomutase isoenzyme markers. Crop Science 24:763-768.

1984. Wu, L., A.M. Harivandi and V.A. Gibeault. Observations on buffalograss sexual characteristics and potential for seed production improvement. HortScience 19:505-506.

1984. M. A. Harivandi, W.B. Davis, V.A. Gibeault, J. Henry, J.A. Van Dam, and L. Wu. Selecting the best turfgrass. University of California, Cooperative Extension publication Leaflet 2589.

1985. Wu, L. and A.L. Kruckeberg. Copper tolerance in two legume species from a copper mine habitat. New Phytolotist 99:565-570.

1985. Burger, D.W., L. Liu and L. Wu. Rapid micropropagation of Paulownia tomentosa. HortScience 20:760-761.

1985. Wu, L., D. Huff and W.B. Davis. Tall fescue turf performance under a tree shade. HortScience 20:281 282.

1985. Huff, D.R. and L. Wu. Phenotypic correlations between metal tolerance and morphology in Festuca rubra L. Crop Science 25:787-789.

1985. Wu, L., and L. Liu. Callus culture and genetic constancy among regenerated plants of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) cultuvars.p. 175-183. Proceedings of the Fifth International Turfgrass Research Conference. Avignon, France.

1985. Wu, L. Matching irrigation to turfgrass root depth. California Turfgrass Culture 35: 1-2.

1986. Wu, L. and R. Jampates. Chromosome number and isoenzyme vatiation of Kentucky bluegrass cultivars and plants regenerated from tissue culture. Cytologia 51:125-132.

1986. Chetelat, R. and L. Wu. Contrasting response to salt stress of two salinity tolerant creeping bentgrass clones. Journal of Plant Nutrition 9:1185-1197.

1986. Wu, L. and Richard Burau. Eveluation of selenium accumulation and salinity tolerance in grass species for improving land and water quality in the San Joaquin Valley.

1985-1986 Technical Progress Report, UC Salinity/Drainage Task Force , University of California. p. 99-114.

1987. Wu, L., I. Till-Bottraud and A. Torres. Genetic differentiation in temperature- enforced seed dormancy among golf course populations of Poa annua L. New Phytologist 107:623-631.

1987. Huff, D.R. and L. Wu. Sex expression in buffalograss under different environments. Crop Science 27(4):623-631.

1987. Wu, L., R.G. Burau, E. Epestein. Study of selenium accumulation and salinity- selenium co-tolerance in turf, forage and salt marsh plant species for crop production in deteriorated soils and for water quality improvement in the San Joaquin Valley.

1986- 1987 Technical Progress Report, UC Salinity/Drainage Task Force, University of California. p.73-80.

1987. Wu, L., M.A. Harivandi. Selection for environmental stress resistance in turfgrass. A report for the Elvenia J. Slosson Fund for Ornamental Horticulture, 1983-1986. p. 39- 41.

1987. Wu, L. and M.A. Harivandi. Study of turf management effects on Poa annua. Annual Report for Elvenia J. Slosson Endowment Fund.

1988. Wu, L. Potential for juvenile sod production.  HortScience 23(1):162- 164.

1988. Wu, L., Z.Z. Huang and R.T. Burau. Selenium accumulaation and selenium-salt cotolerance in five grass species. Crop Science 28:517-522.

1988. Wu, L., M.A. Harivandi. In search of low-maintenance turf. California Agriculture 42:16-17.

1988. Mathe, A. and L. Wu. The application of electrophoretic genetic evidence in the characterization and identification of horticultural plant species. Acta Agronomica Hungarica 37:323-330.

1988. Wu, L., R.G. Burau, E. Epestein. Study of selenium accumulation and salinity- selenium co-tolerance in turf, forage and salt marsh plant species for crop production in deteriorated soils and for water quality improvement in the San Joaquin Valley. 1987- 1988. Technical Progress Report, UC Salinity/Drainage Task Force, University of California. p. 62-68.

1989. Wu, L., D.R. Huff and M.A. Harivandi. Buffalograss as a low-maintenance turf. California Agriculture 43:23-25.

1989. Wu, L. and M.A. Harivandi. Buffalograss: Promising, drought-resistant – and here now. Golf Course Management. April, 1989. p. 42,44,48,50,54,58.

1989. Wu, L. Colonization and establishment of plants in contaminated sites. Chapter 17, p.269-284. In A.J. Shaw (Ed.) Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants: Evolutionary Aspects. CRC Press, Florida.

1990. Irene, T.B., L. Wu, and J. Harding. Rapid evolution of life history traits    in populations of Poa annua L. Journal Evolutionary Biology 3:205-224.

1990. Wu, L., and Armando Torres. Effects of tall fescue turf on growth and     nitrogen fixation potential of the woody legume Lupinus albifron. Plant and   Soil, 128: 199-208.

1990. Wu, L., and Shen-Lin , Lin. Copper tolerance and copper uptake of Lotus purshianus (Benth.) Clem & Clem. and its symbiotic Rhizobium loti derived from a copper mine wast population. New Phytologist 116: 531-539.

1990. Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants: Evolutionary Aspect, CRC Press (edited by A. Jonathen Shaw), Chapter 11, Colonization and Establishment of Plants in Contaminated Sites.

1990. Wu. L. R. G. Burau, E. Epestein, and R. Sachs. A study of the effects of chloride and sulfate salinity on selenium accumulation by Se and salt tolerant genotypes of forage and native halophyte grass species. 1989-1990 Technical Progress Report, UC Salinity/Drainage Task Force P. 112-122.

1991. Wu, L., and Z.Z. Huang. Selenium tolerance, salt tolerance, and selenium accumulation in tall fescue lines. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 21, 47-56.

1991. Wu, L. and Z.Z. Huang. Chloride and sulfate salinity effects on selenium accumulation by tall fescue lines (Festuca arundiacea Schreb). Crop Scinece 31: 114- 118.

1991. Wu, L., and Z.Z. Huang. Selenium assimilation and nutrient element uptake of white clover and tall fescue under the influence of sulfate concentrations and selenium tolerance of the plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 43: 549-555.

1991. Wu, L., and Z.Z. Huang. Selenium accumulation and selenium tolerance of saltgrass from soils with elevated concentrations of selenium and salinity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 22: 267-2872.

1991. Huang, Z.Z., and Wu, L., Species richness and selenium accumulation of plants in soils with elevated selenium and salinity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 22: 251-266.

1991. Wu, L. R. G. Burau, J.W. Biggar, and E. Epstein. Study of effects of sulfate and chloride salinity and tolerance of plants on bioaccumulation and assimilation of selenium in forage and grass species. Technical Progress Report UC Salinity/Drainage Task Force. p.96-104.

1992. Harivandi, M.A., J.D. Butler, and L. Wu. Salinity and turfgrass culture. in Wadding D.V., Carrow, R.N., and Sherman, R.C. Ed. Turfgrass. P.208-228.

1992. Huff, David and L. Wu. Distribution and inheratance of inconstant sex forms in natural populations of dioecious buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloids). American Journal of Botany 79: 207-215.

1992. Wu, L., J.A. Harding, M. Borgonovo, and M.A. Harivandi. The versatile Poa annua L.: wanton weed and /or golf turf. California Agriculture 46: 24- 26.

1992. Kruckeberg, A.L., and L., Wu. Copper tolerance and copper accumulation of herbaceous plants colonizing inactive California copper mines. Ecotocicology and Environmental Safety 23: 307-319.

1992. Banuelos, G.S.,Mead R., Mead, L., Wu, P. Beuselinck, and S. Akohoue. Differential selenium accumulation among froage plant species grown in soils amended with selenium-enriched plant tissue. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 47: 338- 342.

1992. Wu, L. R. G. Burau, J.W. Biggar, and E. Epstein. Study of effects of sulfate and chloride salinity and tolerance of plants on bioaccumulation and assimilation of selenium in forage and grass species. Technical Progress Report UC Salinity/Drainage Task Force. p.103-116.

1992. Wu, L. J.A. Harding, M. Borgonovo, and M.A. Harivandi. The versatile Poa annua L. wanton weed and or golf turf. Turf and Landscape News. p.7-9

1993. Wu, L., A. Enberg, and K.K. Tanji. Natural establishment and selenium accumulation of herbaceous plant species in soils with elevated concentrations of selenium and salinity under irrigation and tillage practices. Ecotoxicity and Environmental Safety. 25:127-140.

1993. Banuelos, G.S., G.E. Cardon, C.J. Phene, L.Wu, S. Akohou, and S.Zambrzuski. Soil boron and selenium removal by three plant species. Plant and Soil. 148:253-263.

1993. Wu, L. and A. Harivandi Annual bluegrass ecology and management. Golf Course Management, March, p.100, 102,104, and 106.

1993. Wu, L., I.T. Bottrand, and J.A. Harding. Population differentiation of Poa annua L. under a contrast turfgrass management micro-environmental gradient. Recent Advancements on Botany In Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Republic of China. Monograph Series No. 13, p 163- 177.

1993. Banuelos, G.S., G. Cardon, B. Mackey, J. Ben-Asher, L. Wu, P. Beuselinck, S. Akohoue, and S. Zambrzuski, and S. Zambrzuski. Boron and selenium removal in boron- laden soils by four sprinkler-irrigated plant species. Journal of Environmental Quality 22: 786-792.

1993. Banuelos, G.S., G.E. Cardon, C.J. Phene, L. Wu, S. Akohoue, and S. Zambrzuski. Soil boron and selenium removal by three plant species. Plant and Soil 148: 253-263.

1993. Wu, L.and H. Lin. 1993. Salt concentration Effects on Buffalograss germplasm seed germination and seedling establishment. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 7:823-828.

1993. Harivandi, M.A., C.L. Elmore, and L. Wu. 1993. Pre-emergence herbicide use during buffalograss establishmrnt. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal 7:298-302.

1993. Wu, L., E. Epestein, J.W. Biggar, and R. G. Burau. Study of sulfate and chloride salinity and tolerance of plants on bioaccumulation and assimilation of selenium in forage and grass species. 1991-1992 Technical Progress Report UC Salinity/Drainage Task Force, p.103-117.

1994. Wu, L., and H. Lin. Buffalograss [Buchloe dectyloides (Nutt.) Emgelm.] cultivar identification using RAPD markers. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 119: 126-130.

1994. Wu, L., and A. Emberg. Effects of elevated selenium concentration on selenium accumulation and nitrogen fixation symbiotic activity of Melilotus indica L. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 27: 50-63.

1994. Wu, L. Selenium accumulation and colonization in plants grown in soils with elevated selenium and salinity. in Frankenberger, W. Jr., and S. Benson Ed. Selenium in the Environment, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, Basel, Hong Kong.

1994. Wu, L. and H. Lin. Salt tolerance and salt uptake in diploid and polyploid buffalograsses (Buchloe dactyloides). Journal of Plant Nutrition 17: 1905-1928.

1994. Wu Lin, Janquo Chen, Kenneth K. Tanji, and Gary S. Banuelos. Distribution and biomagnification of selenium in a restored upland grassland contaminated by selenium from agricultural drainwater. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemintry 14:733-742.

1994. Lin Shen-lin and Lin Wu. Effects of copper concentration on mineral nutrient uptake and copper accumulation in protein of copper tolerant and non-tolerant Lotus purshianus L. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 29: 214-228.

1994. M. Ashraf and Lin Wu. Breeding for salinity tolerance in plants. Critical Review in Plant Science. Vol. 13, 1994, issue 1. p. 17-42.

1995. Wu Lin, Jianguo Chen, Kenneth K. Tanji, and Gary S. Banuelos. Distribution and biomagnification of selenium in a restored upland grassland contaminated by selenium from agricultural drain water. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 14:733-742.

1995. Wu Lin, Janquo Chen, Hong Lin, Phillip Van Mantgem, M. A. Harivandi, and James Harding. Effects of regenerant wastewater irrigation on growth and ion uptake of landscape plants. Journal of Environmental Horticulture 13:92-96.

1995. Enberg Andrew, and Lin Wu. Selenium assimilation and differential response to elevated sulfate and chloride salt concentrations in two saltgrass ecotypes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 32:171-178.

1995. Banuelos, G.S., B Mackey, L. WU, S.Zambrzuski, and S. Akohous. Bioextraction of soil boron by tall fescue. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 31: 110-116.

1995. Banuelos G.S., N. Terry, A.M. Zayed, and L. Wu. Managing high soil selenium with phytoremediation. Special Symposium of 1995 American Society for Surface Mining and Reclamation. Gillette, Wyoming. p394-405.

1995. Wu, L. Copper tolerance and copper uptake in legume species and tis nitrogen fixing symbiotic Rhizobium. In ed. R-D Wilken, U Forstner, A Knochel, Heavy Metal in The Environment. Vol.1, P289-292. International Conference Hamburg, September 1995.

1995. Selenium in the Environment, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (Edited by W.T. Frankenberger, Jr. and Richard A. Engberd), Chapter 12, Selenium Accumulation and colonization of plants in soils with elevated selenium and salinity.

1995. Wu, L., J.A. Biggar, G.R. Jayaweera. Management of forage and naturally established plant species for dissipation of elevated soil selenium. Progress Report for the Kesterson Two-Acre Soil Selenium Dissipation Research Project. October.

1995. Haravandi, Ali., and Lin Wu. Buffalograss, A promising drought resistant turf for California. California Turfgrass Culture 45: 1-2.

1995. Wu Lin, and Ali Harivandi. Development of new buffalograss cultivars. California Turfgrass Culture 45: 2-5.

1995. Wu Lin ,and Ali Harivandi. Buffalograss response to cold, shade, and salinity. California Turfgrass Culture 45: 5-7.

1995.  Harivandi Ali, Lin Wu, Clyde Elmore, and William L. Hagan. Buffalograss establishment studies. California Turfgrass Culture 45: 7-10.

1995. Harivandi Ali, and Lin Wu. Buffalograss planting and management. California Turfgrass Culture 45: 10-12.

1996. Mantgem phillip J. Van, Lin Wu, and Gary S. Banuelos. Bioextration of selenium by forage and selected field legume species in selenium-laden soils under minimal field management. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 34: 228-238.

1996. Lin Hong, and Lin Wu. Effects of salt stress on root plasma membrane characteristics of salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive buffalograss clones. Environmental and Experimental Botany 36: 239-254.

1996. Wu, L., P.J.V. Mantgem, and X. Guo. Effects of forage plant and field legume species on soil selenium redistribution, leaching, and bioextration in soils contaminated by agricultural drain water sediment. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 31: 329-338.

1996. Banuelos, G.S., A. Zayed, N. Terry, L. Wu, S. Akohoue, and S. Zambuzski.Accumulation of selenium by different plant species grown under increasing sodium and calcium chloride salinity. Plant and Soil 34: 49-59.

1996. Wu, L., J. Chen, P.V. Mantgem, and M. A. Harivandi. Regenerant wastewater irrigation and ion uptake in five turfgrass species. Journal of Plant Nutrition 19: 1511- 1530.

1996. P.T. Zawislanski, G.R. Jayaweera, J.W. Biggar, W.T. Frankenberger, and L. Wu. The Pond 2 Selenium Volatilization Study: A Sythesis of Five Years of Experimental Results, 1990-1995. A joint report to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. February 1996.

1997. Wu Lin, Guo Xun, and Banuelos Gary S. Accumulation of seleno-amino acids in legume and grass plant species grown in selenium-laden soils. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 16: 491- 497.

1997. Wu, L., A.W. Enberg, and X. Guo. Effects of elevated selenium and salinity concentrations in root zone on selenium and salt secretion in saltgrass (Distichlis spicata L.). Ecotixicology and Environmental Safety 37: 251-258.

1997. Banuelos, G.S., Ajwa H.A., Wu, L., Guo, X., Akohoue, S., and Zambruski. Selenium-induced growth reduction in Brassica land races considered for phytoremediation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 36: 282-287.

1997. Banuelos, G.S., Ajwa, B., Mackey, B., Wu, L., Cook, C., Akohoue, S., and Zambruzuski, S. Evaluation of different plant species used for phytoremediation of high soil selenium. Jouenal of Environmental Quality. 26: 639-646.

1997. Lin Wu, and Xun Guo. Effects of root and shoot growth of Poa annua L. seedlings by phenolic acids detected in water extracts of Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm. clippings. International Turfgrass Society Research, 8: 1075-1084.

1998. Wu. L. Screening of landscape plants for response to recycled water irrigation. Semiannual Research Report for Marin County Municipal Water District Water Recycking Research Project. January 1998.

1998. Lin Wu, Xun Guo, Ali Harivandi. Allelopathic effects of phenolic scids detected in buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides) clippings on growth of annual bluegrass (Poa annua) and buffalograss seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany 39:159-167.

1998. Xun Guo and Lin Wu. Distribution of free seleno-amino Acids in plant tissue of Melilotus indica L. grown in selenium-laden soils. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 39:207-214.

1998. Lin Wu. Selenium accumulation and uptake by crop and grassland plant species. in William T. Frankenberger, Jr and Richard A. Engberg ED. Environmental Chemistry of Selenium. Marcel Dekker, INC. New York, Basel,     Hong Kong.

1998. Banuelos G.S., H.A. Ajwa, L. Wu, S. Zambrzuski. Selenium accumulation by Brassica Napus grown in Se-laden soil from Different depth of Kesterson Reservoir. Journal of Soil Contamination 7:481-496.

1998. Environmental Chemistry of Selenium, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (Edited by W.T. Frankenberger, Jr. and Sally Benson), Chapter 32, Selenium accumulation and uptake by crop and grassland plant species.

2000. Lin Wu, Gary Banuelos, and Xun Guo. Changes of soil and plant tissue selenium status in an upland grassland contaminated by selenium-rich agricultural drainage sediment after ten years transformed from a wetland habitat. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 47:201-209.

2000. Tennant, T. and L. Wu. Effects of water stress on selenium accumulation in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb) from a selenium-contaminated soil. Archives of Environmental Contamination Toxicology 38:32-39.

2000. Lin Wu and Xun Guo. Selenium accumulation in submerged aquatic macrophytes Potamogrton pectinatus L. and Ruppia maritime L. from water with elevated chrloride and sulfate salinity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 51, 22-27.

2001. Wu, L., X. Guo and Al Harivandi. Salt tolerance and salt accumulation of landscape plants irrigated by sprinkler and drip irrigation systems. Journal of Plant Nutrition 24(9):1473-1490.

2001 Wu, L. G.G.R. Jayaweera and X. Guo. Changes in soil and plant tissue selenium status and selenium dissipation in a upland grassland contaminated by selenium rich agricultural drainage sediment. Sixth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 2001 Conference proceedings, July, 2001, Guelph, Ontario, p.317.

2001 Harivandi, M.A., V.A. Gibeault, M.J. Henry, L. Wu, P.M. Geisel and C.L. Unruh. Turfgrass selection for the home landscape. #8035, Division of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, University of California. 7 pages.

2001 Wu, L., X. Guo, K. Hunter, E. Zagory, R. Waters and J. Brown. Tolerance of landscape plants to recycled water irrigation. Growing Points. 5(4)1-5.

2002.Wu, L. and X. Guo. Selenium accumulation in submerged aquatic macrophytes Potamogeton pectinatus L. and Ruppia maritima L. from water with elevated chloride and sulfate salinity.  Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 51:22-27.

2002. Distribution of phenolic acids and allelopathic potential in cool-season and warm- season turfgrass species. California Turfgrass Culture 52: 5-9.

2002. Salt tolerance of landscape plant species and reclaimed water irrigation. Proceeding 2002 Annual Symposium, Orlando Florida, September 8-11.

2003. Wu, L., Xun Guo, and Gary S. Banuelos. Selenium Accumulation and soil selenium dissipation in planting of four herbaceous plant species in soil contaminated with drainage sediment rich in both selenium and sulfur. International Journal of Phytoremediation 5: 25-40.

2003. Kimberley A.M. Hunter, Lin Wu, James Richards, and Bill Rains. The growth response of five California native grass species to sprinkler irrigation with saline water: Implications for landscape irrigation with recycled water. Proceedings of International Irrigation Conference. 4th International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticulture Crops. September 1, 2003, Davis, California.

2003. Wu Lin, Gary S. Banuelos, and Xun Guo. Selenium and sulfur accumulation and soil selenium dissipation in planting of four herbaceous plant species in soil contaminated with drainage sediment rich in both selenium and sulfur. International Journal of Phytoremediation 5: 25-40.

2003. Banuelos, G.S., Z.Q. Lin, L. Wu, N. Terry. Phytoremediation of selenium contaminated soils and waters: Fundamentals and futures prospects. Reviews on Environmental Health 17: 291-306.

2004. Lin Wu. Review of 15 years of research on ecotoxicology and remediation of land contaminated by agricultural drainage sediment rich in selenium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 57: 257-269.

2005. Kimberey A. M. Hunter and Lin Wu. Morphological and Physiological response of five California native native grasses to moderate salt spray: Implications for landscape irrigation with reclaimed water. Journal of Plant nutrition 28: 247-270.

2005. Lin Wu, Xun Guo. Response of two coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens Endl.) varieties to moderate levels of salt and boron spray measured by stress symptoms: Implications for landscape irrigation using recycled water. Environmental and Esperimental Botany 58: 130-139.

2005. Lin Wu, Linda Dodge. Land scape plant selection guide for recycled water irrigation, A special report of EJ Slosson Endowment for ornamental horticulture. University of California, Division of Agricultural Resources.

Publications in Ethics, Culture, and Morality

(Publications are published in Chinese, either as a book or on scholarly website)

Since the early 21 century, started movements of “Revival of Confucianism” in China and other Asian countries. It draws my attention and interest in exploring what are the universal values of Confucianism and what contributions it can offer for the future of world civilization. After my retirement, in 2006, I devoted my full interest to the study of Chinese history and re-examining the values of Chinese culture, and exploring its values and contributions to peace and civilization of the world.

Book publications

Contemporary View of Confucianism (in Chinese)


2014, Outskirts Press, Printed in the United States of America

Website publication

漢字: 中華文化化的基石









